Microbeads AS
Monosized polymer beads
Who we are

Microbeads AS is a Norwegian company with a unique technology to manufacture polymer beads with an extremely narrow particle size distribution. With perfectly spherical shape and monosized particle size distribution - the "perfect spheres" have already been used as functional additives in a wide range of industries including Paints & Coatings, Plastics, Cosmetics, Calibration, Ceramics and Adhesives.
Our headquarter and production facilities are located in the Oslo region, Norway. We have a strong customer focus, and our flexible and innovative organization works closely with the customers to optimize and develop products for different applications and we are running large research projects in collaboration with internationally renowned research institutes. The large-scale production of superior quality polymer beads is combined with efficient logistics solutions to ensure fast and safe supply to the end users.
Our history

- 1977 The technology to manufacture monosized polymer beads was invented by the late Professor John Ugelstad
- 1980s The global rights to the technology were licenced to the multinational Norwegian company, Dyno Industrier ASA
- 1980 - 2000 Life science applications were targeted. The life science part of Dyno became Dynal and Invitrogen (a Thermo Fisher Scientific company)
- 1997 - 2002 Industrial applications were developed in parallel by Polymer Systems (a Dyno subsidiary)
- 2002 Microbeads AS was established as an independent company with exclusive rights to the technology for production and use of monosized beads in industrial applications
- 2020 Microbeads was acquired by Lamberti SpA
Microbeads AS
Vestvollveien 30A
N-2021 Skedsmokorset Norway
+47 64 83 53 00